Wednesday, December 3, 2014

10 things I think I know for sure

1. Treating people well seems to be the best protocol.

2. The best answer to an issue usually lies in a grey area.

3. To be really good at something, you have to watch yourself suck at it for years.

4. People who are okay with being made fun of are always cooler than people who aren't.

5. Trying too hard at anything can fuck it up.

6. Hating something alone won't make it suck less.

7. 99% of people would rather be admired and loved than to admire and love, which creates a lot of interesting problems.

8. Music is a form of communication used to explain things language cannot capture.

9. You should sleep in as much as you possibly can.

10. If dolphins had hands they would have developed rudimentary tools and drawings.

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